Venue: Committee Rooms C, D & E – Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX
No. | Item |
1. | Apologies for absence |
2. | Declarations of pecuniary interest |
3. | Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 52 KB |
4. | Croydon and Wandsworth Personal Independent Payment Assessment Centres – Accessibility Audits. PDF 52 KB
Additional documents: |
5. | Business Plan Update 2019-23 PDF 60 KB
Additional documents: |
6. | Business Plan 2019-23 Savings Proposals Information Pack PDF 34 KB
This report is provided separately and will be discussed as part of the preceding Business Plan Update item on the agenda. Additional documents:
7. | Work Programme PDF 83 KB |
Special thanks to Merton CIL for allowing us to feature their video.
Please consider searching YouTube for more videos, or visit for more information.