Design Review Panel 3 June 2020

A meeting of the Design Review Panel will be held on Wednesday 3rd June 2020 starting at 1:30 pm via the Zoom Conferencing App. Panel members should ensure they are set up to use Zoom, and to contact the Panel Administrator if there are any problems with this.

The meeting will be held in the same manner as a live meeting, with a Chair and note taker. An additional member of staff will manage the mechanics of the meeting and timings have been altered to allow for this.

Panel Members:

Councillor Najeeb Latif(Chair)
Marcus Beale
Tara Gbolade
Rachel Jones
Gesine Junker
Shahriar Nasser
David Nossiter
Cordula Weisser

Note Taker: Paul Garrett
Zoom Meeting Manager: Paul McGarry

Councillors watching:

Cllr Laxmi Attawar (Colliers Wood)
Cllr Nigel Benbow (Abbey)
Cllr Caroline Cooper-Marbiah (Colliers Wood)
Cllr Daniel Holden (Hillside)
Cllr Simon McGrath (Dundonald)
Cllr Hayley Ormrod (Trinity)

i. Items that are at the Pre-Application stage are NOT open to the public. All application numbers ending in NEW, or which are stated as pre-application, are Pre-Application items.
ii. Members of the public are welcome to attend as observers for items that are registered planning applications, but are not allowed to speak. For all other items, the Panel is not open for public attendance.
iii. Council officers and councillors are allowed to attend as observers at pre-application items.

The applications to be considered at this meeting are as follows, with times to be devoted to each item:
13:30 – 14:00 – Panel Members signing in to Zoom meeting, initial impressions of proposals from Panel members, questions/points of clarification from the Panel members and signing into meeting of Item 1 applicants. Introductions between Panel and Applicants.

1. Pre-Application, 20/P0599, 42 Station Road (Eddie Katz), South Wimbledon, Case Officer: Leigh Harrington. Ward: Colliers Wood

Redevelopment of former single-storey industrial building from children’s play centre for new residential building over approximately 8-10 storeys with ground floor of ancillary uses and undisclosed commercial/public use.
14:00 – 14:45

14:45 – 15:00: Zoom sign in for Item 2 applicants. Introductions between Panel and Applicants.

2. Pre-Application, 20/P1247, Wimbledon Bridge House (offices), 1 Hartfield Road, Wimbledon, Case Officer: David Gardener. Ward: Dundonald

Three storey extension to existing office building.
15:00 – 15:45

15:45 – 16:00: Zoom sign in for Item 3 applicants. Introductions between Panel and Applicants.

3. Pre-Application, 20/P0952, Colliers Wood Tower (land to the south of), Colliers Wood, Case Officer: Jonathan Lewis. Ward: Colliers Wood.

Proposal to develop 440 residential units on land to the south of the current 19 storey colliers Wood tower (Britannia Point) with a cluster of buildings up to 32 storeys with mixed ground floor uses and public realm/open space provision.
16:00 – 16:45

16:45 – 17:00: Panel debrief (if required)

Jun 03 2020 Design Review Panel Meeting – Agenda , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

About Merton Council

Merton Council used to have a closed attitude to Council Meetings, but after pressure from Merton.TV they now publish a handful of meetings a year. However, under the COVID-19 lockdown, the Democratic Services have really put in a lot of hard work to unlock democracy and Livestream meetings.
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