Venue: Council chamber – Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX
1. Apologies for absence |
2. Declarations of pecuniary interest |
3. Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 133 KB |
4. Understanding Health Inequalities and prevention
Presentation to be provided at the meeting |
5. Combatting Substance Misuse PDF 293 KB |
6. Children and Young People’s Voice
Presentation to be provided at the meeting |
7. NHS and Social Care |
7a Kings Fund report on inequalities
Recommendations and response Presentation to be provided at the meeting |
7b Model of Primary Care
Overview and update on Rowan’s, East Merton Hub, Extended Access Presentation to be provided at the meeting |
7c Better Care Fund PDF 220 KB
Plan for 2022-23 funding action tackling health inequalities. Additional documents: |