Merton Full Council 17 November 2021


1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
3. Minutes of the previous meeting  PDF 128 KB

Additional documents:

4. Announcements by the Mayor, Leader of the Council and Chief Executive
5. Public questions to cabinet members  PDF 552 KB

The questions and written responses will be circulated at the meeting.

6. Councillors’ ordinary priority questions to cabinet members  PDF 59 KB

The questions and written responses will be circulated at the meeting

Additional documents:

7a. Strategic theme: Councillors’ questions to cabinet members  PDF 383 KB

The questions and written responses will be circulated at the meeting.

7b. Strategic theme: Main report  PDF 3 MB
7c. Strategic theme: Conservative motion  PDF 118 KB
8. Report of the Raynes Park Community Forum: 16 September 2021  PDF 5 MB
9. Report of the Wimbledon Community Forum: 22 September 2021  PDF 2 MB
10. Report of the Mitcham Community Forum: 6 October 2021  PDF 3 MB
11. Report of the Morden Community Forum: 13 October 2021  PDF 3 MB
12. Report of the Colliers Wood and NE Mitcham Community Forum: 20 October 2021  PDF 3 MB
13. Notice of motion: Cross-Party Motion  PDF 38 KB
14. Notice of motion: Conservative Motion  PDF 50 KB
15. Notice of motion: Labour Motion  PDF 110 KB
16. Notice of motion: Merton Park Ward Independent Residents Motion  PDF 68 KB
17. Council Tax Support Scheme 2022/23  PDF 230 KB

Additional documents:

18. Statement of Principles under the Gambling Act 2005  PDF 487 KB

Additional documents:

19. Arrangements for in-person Council and Committee Meetings  PDF 378 KB

Additional documents:

20. Appointment of an Independent Person  PDF 212 KB

21. Changes to membership of committees and related matters  PDF 205 KB
22. Petitions  PDF 461 KB
23. Business for the next ordinary meeting of the Council
24. Liberal Democrat Amendment to recommendations in Strategic Theme Main Report  PDF 100 KB
25. 7c – Labour Amendment to the Conservative Strategic Theme Motion  PDF 433 KB
26. 14 – Labour Amendment to the Conservative Motion  PDF 422 KB
27. 15 – Amendments to the Labour Motion  PDF 198 KB

Additional documents:



About Merton Council

Merton Council used to have a closed attitude to Council Meetings, but after pressure from Merton.TV they now publish a handful of meetings a year. However, under the COVID-19 lockdown, the Democratic Services have really put in a lot of hard work to unlock democracy and Livestream meetings.
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