14 Jan 2022
Owen Pritchard to take on the Waste after the resignation of Cllr Tobin Byers
Joint Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance, Recovery and the Local Economy – Owen Pritchard
- Joint Deputy Leader of the Council.
- Leading on the Council’s recovery agenda.
- Leading on performance monitoring and Service Planning.
- Member Lead on the Your Merton, a place-based vision for the borough’s recovery from Covid-19
- Responsible for effective communication with residents.
- Responsible for implementation and roll out of CRM project.
- Lead Member on Strategic infrastructure development in the borough.
- Leading on efforts to boost trade and the local economy in town centres, supporting small businesses, markets and Business Improvement Districts.
- Leading on the budget, including the development of revenue, capital and debt management strategies
- Responsible for corporate finance, IT and audit, human resources, civic and legal services, and risk management
- Lead on asset management, driving improvements in council performance and leading budget and finance performance review meetings
- Leading on the change management agenda with responsibility for driving through value for money and efficiency within the council
- Overseeing the Council Commissioning strategy
- Monitoring progress of council-wide strategic approach to customer services and community support and access.
- Monitoring the implications of Brexit on Merton Council, working alongside the Cabinet Member for Women and Equalities